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Give your customers the opportunity to create their own gift this season with Session Label.

Purchase any 12 products from Session Label for only 1411 SEK*.

*The price corresponds to approximately a 20% discount. Invoice discount applies. Offer valid until November 30, 2024.

Session Label

Create the Season's Best Display

No matter how good your offer is, customers won’t buy the product if they can’t see it, touch it, and develop feelings for it.

Tips for the Season's Most Stylish Display:

Create a Focal Point Placement: Place the most attractive or profitable products at eye level or in the center of the display to catch the customer’s attention. Use strong colors or lighting to further highlight them.

Use Signage and Price Tags Effectively: Use clear signs that highlight the benefits of the products or inform about promotions. Price tags should be easy to read and strategically placed to facilitate the purchase.

Keep the Display Clean and Simple: Avoid overcrowding the display with too many products. A clean and simple display makes each product stand out more clearly and gives a more organized and professional impression.



The difference lies in the details.

This exclusive professional styling range is built on hairdressers' needs for high-performing products and meets the high demands that today's hairdressers have. We have developed fourteen innovative, high-performing, and incredibly lightweight products: they can be layered without weighing the hair down, allowing each hairdresser to realize their own visions.

The key to successful session styling.

The products are ours, but it’s your hands that shape, enhance the texture, embrace every detail, and create amazing hair with character and a unique finish.