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Give your customers the opportunity to create their own gift this season with Silhouette.

Purchase any 60 products from Silhouette for only 3618* SEK and receive 30 luxurious toiletry bags as a gift.

The toiletry bag is made of stylish and durable canvas, perfectly matching Silhouette’s sleek look. Create beautiful displays throughout the season and offer your customers the perfect gifts for their loved ones.

*The price corresponds to approximately a 33% discount. Invoice discount applies. Offer valid until November 30, 2024.

Create the Most Stunning Displays of the Season

Regardless of how great your offer is, customers won’t buy the product if they can’t see it, touch it, and connect with it emotionally.

Tips for the Season’s Most Stylish Displays:

Use Lighting to Highlight Products: The right lighting can make a big difference. Use spotlights to focus on specific products or parts of the display, creating contrast and shadows that enhance details and colors.

Use Visual Triangles: Arrange products in a triangular shape, with the highest point in the center and smaller items around it. This creates balance and draws the eye toward the center, providing an aesthetically pleasing presentation.

Have a Theme: Use a theme that suits the season, a holiday, or a current trend. Thematic displays capture customers’ attention and make the products more attractive


The Silhouette Super Hold series includes a hairspray, a mousse, and a setting lotion. It provides strong and long-lasting hold.


Fine spray distribution for easy application and even results Long-lasting and powerful hold Amazing shine